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Ссылки на Эвкапил

Price TM, Allen S, Pegram GV. 2000. Lack of effect of topical finasteride suggests an endocrine role for dihydrotestosterone. Fertil Steril 74:414-415.

Price VH. 1999. Treatment of hair loss. N Engl J Med 341:964-973.

Rushton DH, Norris MJ, Ramsay ID. 1996. Topical 0.05% finasteride significantly reduces serum DHT concentrations, but had no effect in preventing the expression of genetic hair loss in men. In: D. Van Neste and V. Randall, D. Van Neste and V. Randall. Hair Research for the Next Millenium, Amsterdam : Elsevier. p. 359-362.

Sawaya ME, Hordinsky MK. 1993. The antiandrogens. When and how they should be used. Dermatol Clin 11:65-72.

Seligson AL, Campion B, Brown JW, Terry RC, Kucerova R, Bienova M, Hajduch M, Bucek M, Sovak M. 2003. Development of fluridil, a topical suppressor of the androgen receptor in androgenetic alopecia. Drug Dev Res 59:292-306).

Sovak M, Seligson AL, Kucerova R, Bienova M, Hajduch M, Bucek M. 2002. Fluridil, a rationally designed topical agent for androgenetic alopecia: first clinical experience. Dermatol Surg 28:678-685, with an erratum on p.971.

M. Bienova, R. Kucerova, M. Hajduch, M. Fiuraskova, M. Sovak Efficacy and Safety of Eucapil Gel in hirsutism (Pilot Study) Proceedings of 14th Congress of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, London, October 12-16, 2005

R. Kucerova, M. Bienova , R. Novotny, M. Hajduch, M. Fiuraskova, Seligson A.L , M. Sovak Eucapil in Female Androgenetic Alopecia: Efficacy and Safety after 9-month use Proceedings of 14th Congress of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, London, October 12-16, 2005

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